


we had a sports event last friday.tt was cloudy but not rainy, so it was comfortable for sports.i took part in the girls 800 meters running. in the last lap i tried to catch up with the first girl, to my joy,i succeed ed. all my classmates cheer ed up for me.i was tired but i was excited.


life will produce a lot of waste and garbage, then these waste and garbage can be reused? the answer is yes, so how to use the waste and rubbish around us? domestic water can be used many times. for example, used face washing water and vegetable washing water can be used, and they can be collected to water flowers; small clothes and shoes can be given to people in poor areas, and so on. it is everyone’s responsibility to turn waste into treasure.


i have a dream!每个人都有自己的梦想,无论平凡还是伟大!




the formation of light pollution

the so-called light pollution refers to the traffic light pollution that causes adverse effects or discomfort to the human body, which is harmful to human health. therefore, we should try our best to reduce light pollution. now there are various ways to reduce light pollution.

first of all, i will talk about several ways to reduce light pollution. in buildings, reflective glass can be used less because it will cause mirror reflection. if the driver has just reflected light, it will shake and increase the incidence of traffic accidents.

although the use of ordinary glass can also produce specular reflection, the reflected light is not as strong as the reflective glass, so i try to use ordinary glass. we usually write white, although it is very beautiful, but one way is caused by light pollution. the light reflected by white paper will damage the iris and cornea our chinese books are yellow paper, just to avoid light pollution, other books had better change to yellow paper.




the palace, with the support of the magnificent columns, shiny dazzling gold and jewels. the eaves passed embedded

the ivory, two fan engraved on the door with beautiful pattern and the carving, the world records as many good and the ancient legends.











about celebrities

fox and crow a fox once saw a crow fly away with a piece of cheese and stop on a branch. "this is for me, because i am a fox," said master renard, who went under the tree. "goodbye, mistress crow," he cried, "how good you look today: how smooth your feathers are, how bright your eyes are, and i believe your voice must more than other birds, just like your body makes me hear only one song from you.

i can greet you like the queen of birds. "the crow raised her head and began to shout," but as soon as she opened her mouth, the cheese fell on the ground and was ed away by master fox. "so he said," i only want to exchange your cheese with your cheese.

i will give you a piece of advice, that is: don't trust flatterers. ".


swimming, which deserves to recommand to everybody, is my favourate sports. my hometown is urumqi,the most distant city from the ocean, but it cannot stop my passion for swimming.

  when in the hot summer, i like to dive into the cool water and swim, because it can not only cool my body but also exercise me. furthemore, by practising swimming i can gain lifesaving skills in the water.

  swimming is a kind of aerobic exercise which is of great benefit to health.

  for instance, it can improve temperature regulation mechanism, prevent flu; and enhance vital capacity. what's more, the muscles of the whole body can be exercised during swimming, and therefore they would be stronger and flexible. the blood circulation can also be more smooth.

  all of these is helpful for keeping the body healthy and prevent various kinds of diseases. and for those who want to keep fit, swimming is a good way to lose weight.

  there is many ways of swimming like butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, free




today was august 2nd,it was a sunny day,and it made me feel comfortable.my father and i have decided to go to the imperial palace(故宫).so we went to there by car in this morning.

the imperial palace was so wonderful that we would never forget it.and it was the most famous buildings in the world,there were many visitors came to here to visit it every year.

in short,we took many photos,we were very enjoyable.


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